1. Know Your Customers A lot of businesses simply don’t understand who their customers are. Today’s customers are older, more demanding, savvier. They can see through marketing and are determined… read more →
Online Hospitality Courses – from Inn-Dispensable As part of our flexible training and support for hospitality and leisure professionals, Inn-Dispensable offers a range of interactive online courses for staff and… read more →
When I popped in for a haircut the other day, Gary the barber didn’t ask me if I’d washed my hair recently or whether I had scurvy – or any… read more →
Music: The Salutation Inn benefits from a piano situated by a window looking out on to rolling countryside. The pub also regularly hosts folk bands for live music. Pub games:… read more →
Here’s a fairly comprehensive list of forty simple ideas which came from ourselves and the delegates on a recent customer service course we ran for pub and restaurant staff and… read more →
Here are 8 top tips to ensure you comply with the new UK Allergen Regulations. Rest assured enforcement will happen with this ‘high publicity’ issue. You need a risk assessment… read more →